Ove godine sajam knjiga će se odvijati u Autonomnom društvenom centru Nigdjezemska u Zadru.
Zašto Zadar? O Prostoru:
Nakon dvije godine obnavljanja i oživljavanja prostora u napuštenom vojnom kompleksu, ovog proljeća Autonomni društveni centar Nigdjezemska je otvorio svoja vrata i počeo sa aktivnostima. Nigdjezemska je nastala iz potrebe za nepostojećim prostorom gdje bi se organizirale aktivnosti kao “uradi sam” koncerti, diskusije i radionice, filmske projekcije, vrt, besplatni dućan, infoshop, radionica i ostale aktivnosti bazirane na horizintalan način.
Anarhistički sajmovi su organizirani u različitim gradovima i manjim mjestima diljem svijeta i pružaju prostor za diskusiju i razmjenu anarhističkih tema. Ideja balkanskog anarhističkog sajma knjiga je povezivanje ljudi i grupa, da bude vikend tokom kojeg se možemo susresti, diskutirati, propitivati, razmjeniti lokalna iskustva i borbe te razvijati različite perspektive i iskustva.
Sajam knjiga živi kroz participaciju i solidarnost različitih ljudi i grupa. Balkanski anarhistički sajam knjiga je prvi put organiziran 2003. godine i od tada se održao u Ljubljani, Zagrebu, Sofiji, Solunu, Mostaru i Zrenjaninu, što je stvorilo mrežu solidarnosti na Balkanu i šire.
Javite nam u naprijed ako želite održati prezentaciju, diskusiju, imati stol sa knjigama ili ako imate prijedlog za vikend.
Radujemo se čuti vas i dati dobrodošlicu vašim idejama!
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Petak, 11.09.2015
12:00 Sajam knjiga - dođite i pogledajte knjige koje nude izdavači, besplatne materijale različitih grupa, novine, časopise...
14:00 Ručak
15.00 Diskusija: Represija, solidarnost i sigurnost aktivista; represija protiv anarhista u Bjelorusiji
ABC Bjelorusija potaknut će diskusije o represiji, solidarnosti i aktivističkoj sigurnosti. Htjeli bismo govoriti o represiji nad anarhistima u Bjelorusiji, podijeliti naše iskustvo o djelovanju protiv represije i ojačati ABC mrežu.
16:30 Anarhistička solidarnost i antiratne aktivnosti tijekom devedesetih (prisjećanje iz Hrvatske)
Ne postoji objektivna povijest. Postoje samo različite interpretacije onoga što se dogodilo i vrlo jasna ideja da su "obični", "mali" ljudi uvijek žrtve svih sistema, bez obzira bili oni zasnovani na ovoj ili onoj ideologiji, nacionalizmu, religiji... Ratovi koji su se dogodili tijekom devedestih stvorili su jedino žrtve. Žrtve medijske propagande, nacionalizma, država i njihovih vođa, lokalnih nasilnika, različitih poslušnika i onih koji su "samo izvršavali zapovjedi"...
U takvoj situaciji, masovnoj ratnoj psihozi, i dalje su postojali "džepovi" otpora sukobu, nacionalizmu, mržnji i samom ratu, iako je bio svugdje oko nas i postao je sastavni dio naših života. Nova normalnost. Razgovarat ćemo o anarhističkim akcijama solidarnosti, različitim antiratnim inicijativama i njihovom odjeku tijekom devedesetih.
18:00 Diskusija o gentrifikaciji, uništavanju grada i turistifikaciji (detalji uskoro)
20:00 Film; "Behind The Mask: Animal Liberation Front"
It took three years of filming, interviewing, and editing to complete. The movie was created by animal-rights lawyer Shannon Keith, who owns Uncaged Films and ARME (Animal Rescue, Media & Education). The documentary was produced in response to a perceived bias in the mainstream media against the animal rights movement.
The film is about animal rights activists who break into laboratories and other facilities to provide previously unseen footage of the way animals are used. It includes well-known names within the animal rights movement, some of whom have been imprisoned for taking direct action. The story of Jill Phipps, who was killed when she fell under a lorry while protesting against the live export of animals, is told, with her mother saying, "They call us terrorists but the reality is that over the years four animal rights activists have been killed during protests." The Telegraph has said about the film: "Regardless of what one thinks about the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front, the film is an extraordinary one that is well worth watching".
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Subota, 12.09.2015
12:00 Sajam knjiga - dođite i pogledajte knjige koje nude izdavači, besplatne materijale različitih grupa, novine, časopise...
13:00 Prezentacija: izdavačka kooperativa “"Radical Theory and Practice"
Radical Theory & Practice je prva neovisna izdavačka kuća u Rusiji koja se specijalizirala u anarhističkoj, antifašističkoj, radikalno ekološkoj i obrazovnoj literaturi. Tijekom prezentacije saznat ćete o radostima i nevoljama vođenja samoupravnog udruženja u represivnom kontekstu i oslanjanja malobrojan pokret. Kako se nositi s anti-ekstremističkim zakonima, kako graditi samoodrživ projekt, kako financirati i izaći iz vječnih dugova, kako ohrabriti podršku zajednice i mnoge druge teme.
14:00 Diskusija: Pritvori i deportacijski centri za izbjeglice sa Balkana u Njemačkoj
U kontekstu trenutnog vala izbjeglica koje dolaze u Europu, Njemačka pokreće represivne rekonstrukcije koje za cilj imaju brže kategoriziranje, sortiranje i deportiranje neželjenih izbjeglica. Izbjeglice iz većine balkanskih zemalja su proglašeni onima koji imaju sigurno porijeklo i sad će se za njih izgraditi veliki pritvori i deportacijski centri. Nakon kratkih uvodnih informacija o situaciji, želimo diskutirati o tome kako pokret s Balkana vidi ovu situaciju i kako bismo mogli osmisliti internacionalne intervencije kojima bi se borili protiv ovih rasističkih i represivnih planova vlade.
15:00 Ručak
16:00 Diskusija: Anarhisti u društvenim borbama u Barceloni (2010-2015)
Simultano s pokretom okupacija trgova, buntovnim generalnim štrajkovima, okupacijama, susjedskim okupljanjima, pobune protiv deložacije skvotiranog društvenog centra Can Vies, ustankom ekstremne ljevice, i mnogostrukim valovima represije pod vodstvom protuterorističkih jedinica, posljednje godine su bile turbulente u Barceloni, i anarhisti su često bili u centru zbivanja, ili su zauzimali važnu ulogu s margine društva. Gost koji živi u Barceloni propitivat će razne strategije iz domene socijalnog rata, jake i slabe strane sadašnje anarhističke pozicije, kao i perspektive u budućnosti.
17:30 Diskusija: Antimilitarizam u Grčkoj
Koliku važnost ima vojska za unutarnja i za vanjska pitanja države? Ima li Grčka država geostrateške interese? Ima li Grčka ekspanzivne teritorijalne interese i strategije? Koliko su stare i stabilne te strategije, mijenjaju li se s promjenom svake nove vlade? Primjeri grčkog militarizma u doba Syrize.
19:00 Otvorena diskusija: Nevladine organizacije i institucionalizacija društvenih pokreta
Koje je porijeklo nevladinih organizacija, koju funkciju imaju u kapitalističkoj demokraciji i koji utjecaj imaju u našim pokretima? Postoji li ravnoteža između resursa kojima doprinose i pacifikacije ili institucionalizacije koju mogu uzrokovati? Koje strateške odnose i diskurse vezane za nevladine organizacije bismo trebali promovirati? Ovo će biti otvorena diskusija zasnovana na iskustvima i perspektivama sudionika.
22:00 Koncert - Cult Syndrome i Split Veins ( total pank UK)
12.00 Doručak i sajam
13.00 Ručak
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Balkan Anarchist bookfair is an annual anarchist event that changes location each year.
This year BASK will take place in Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska in Zadar!
Why Zadar ? About the space:
After two years of restoring and cleaning the building in abandoned military barracks, this spring the Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska opened it’s doors. Nigdjezemska arose out of the missing space in Zadar for people to organize activities like d.i.y gigs, discussion and workshops, movie screenings, freeshop, bicycle repairing, gardening and other activities on self-organized and horizontal level!
Anarchist bookfairs are organized in different cities over the world and open space for discussion and exchange about anarchist topics. The idea of Balkan anarchist bookfair is to connect different anarchist people and groups and to be a weekend, on which we can meet each other, discuss, question, exchange local experiences and struggles and develop perspectives for local and also international resistance.
The bookfair lives through participation and solidarity of different people and groups. Balkan Anarchist Bookfair was first organised in 2003 and since then it happened in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sofia, Skopje, Thessaloniki, Mostar and Zrenjanin, which created solidarity network through the Balkan and beyond.
Please let us know in advance, if you want to do a presentation, discussion, book stall or if you have other suggestions for the weekend! We only have limited sleeping places.
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12.00 Bookfair start - come and check the books of different publishers, free materials from various groups, newspapers, magazines ...
14.00 Lunch
15.00 Talk: Repressions, solidarity and activist security: repression against anarchists in Belarus
"ABC Belarus will inspire discussions about repressions, solidarity and activist security.
We would like to tell about repressions against anarchists in Belarus, to share our experience of how to counteract against repressions and to strenghten ABC network".
16.30 Talk: Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives in nineties (a recollection from Croatia)
"There is no objective history. There are only different interpretations of what has happened and a very clear idea that the “ordinary”, “little” people are the victims of all systems, whether these systems are founded on this or that ideology, nationalism, religion…
The wars that took part during the nineties produced only victims. Victims were caused by the media propaganda, nationalism, the states and their leaderships, local thugs, different obeyers, the ones who “carried out the orders”…
In a situation like that, mass war psychosis, there were still pockets of resistance to the conflict, nationalism, hate and the war itself, although it was all around us and became the integral part of our lives. The new normality. We will talk about anarchist actions of solidarity, different anti-war initiatives and their influence during the nineties".
18.00 Talk: gentrification, destruction of the city and touristification
-no text yet-
20.00 Movie screening: "Behind The Mask: Animal Liberation Front"
It took three years of filming, interviewing, and editing to complete. The movie was created by animal-rights lawyer Shannon Keith, who owns Uncaged Films and ARME (Animal Rescue, Media & Education). The documentary was produced in response to a perceived bias in the mainstream media against the animal rights movement.
The film is about animal rights activists who break into laboratories and other facilities to provide previously unseen footage of the way animals are used. It includes well-known names within the animal rights movement, some of whom have been imprisoned for taking direct action. The story of Jill Phipps, who was killed when she fell under a lorry while protesting against the live export of animals, is told, with her mother saying, "They call us terrorists but the reality is that over the years four animal rights activists have been killed during protests." The Telegraph has said about the film: "Regardless of what one thinks about the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front, the film is an extraordinary one that is well worth watching".
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12.00 Bookfair start - come and check the books of different publishers, free materials from various groups, newspapers, magazines ...
13.00 Presentation: publishing co-operative "Radical Theory and Practice"
"Radical Theory & Practice is the first independent publishing co-operative in Russia specialising in anarchist, antifascist, radical ecology and education literature. During the presentation you will get to know about joys and hardships of running a self-managed co-op in the repressive context and relying on a limited in numbers movement. How to deal with anti-'extremist' laws, how to build a self-sufficient project, how to finance and get out of everlasting debts, how to encourage the support of the community and much more".
14.00 Talk: Detention- and deportation-centers for balkan-refugees in Germany
"In the context of the present wave of refugees coming to europe, the german state launches a repressive restructuring that aims at the faster categorising, sorting and deporting of undesired refugees, Refugees from most of the balkan countries are declared to come from save origins and now new huge detention- and deportation-centers especially for these balkan-refugees are going to be build. After a short input of information about these developments, we want to discuss how comrades from the balkan itself see and experience these developments and how we could imagine internationalist interventions that fight against these racist and repressive plans of the government."
15.00 Lunch
16.00 Talk: Anarchists in the social struggles in Barcelona (2010-2015)
"With the plaza occupation movement, riotous general strikes, occupations, neighborhood assemblies, the riots against the eviction of squatted social center Can Vies, the rise of the far left, and multiple waves of repression under the guise of counterterrorism, the last years have been turbulent in Barcelona, and anarchists have often been at the center of events, or playing an influential role from the margins. A comrade who lives in Barcelona will discuss various strategies from the social war, the strengths and weaknesses of current anarchist positions, as well as prospects for the future".
17.30 Talk: Antimilitarism in Greece
How important is army for a state, both for internal and external affairs?
Does the greek state have geostrategic interests? Has the greek state
expansion tensions/strategies? How old and stable are these strategies, do they change whenever the government changes? Examples of greek militarism in the age of Syriza.*
19.00 Open discussion: NGOs and the Institutionalization of the Social Movements
"NGOs and the Institutionalization of the Social Movements
What is the origin of NGOs, what function do they serve in capitalist democracies, and what effect do they have in our movements? Is there a balance between the resources they bring and the pacification or institutionalization they might cause? What strategic relations and discourses concerning NGOs should we promote?
This will be an open discussion based on the experiences and perspectives of participants".
22.00 Koncert - Cult Syndrome i Split Veins ( total punk UK)
12.00 Coffee and Bookfair
13.00 Lunch
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Contact; e mail; bask2015@riseup.net
INFOSHOP ISKRA / infoshopiskra.blogspot.com
NIGDJEZEMSKA / nigdjezemska.info
Ul. Stjepana Radića
23000, Zadar