subota, 24. prosinca 2011.

About “Anti-Judicial Anarchism”, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More (Mexico)

Here is an English translation of an article from the journal Conspiracion Acrata from Mexico referring to the idea of “Antiguiridismo Anarchico”. We hope you like it.

“Antigiuridismo Anarchico” which translates to “Anti-Judicial Anarchism” is a concept which has been used throughout anarchist history to define the attitude of a radical and total rejection of the concept and practice of the “justice” of the State, or as otherwise said – the judicial methods of the State including defence through a lawyer. This attitude or concept is or should be something normal within the anarchist movement but there are few companer@s who have put it into practice for diverse reasons or strategies.

Antigiuridismo Anarchico is the rejection of declaring a position to the State in front of the court or contributing to the circus of the State. Often the declarations of those who position themselves in this attitude are only directed as a dialogue or explanation to the compañer@s of their movement. This attitude is the rejection of any legal resources through which one could obtain “freedom”.

For some, Antigiuridismo Anarchico’s basis can be found in the texts of Max Stirner such as “The Ego and its Own” as individualists have used this concept or method in the past, usually those who have used explosives or have been involved in diverse sabotages against the system, in other words those who have “nothing to lose”.

Historically, in Italy the “anti-organizzatori” (anti-organisationalists) close to the anarchist Luigi Galleani used the Antigiuridismo Anarchico method, although it’s worth noting that not all of the “antiorganizzatori” were individualists, however they did maintain themselves in a total contrast to the anarcho-syndicalists. We also know of anarchist individuals who have positioned themselves under this method without defining it as such, examples include Severino di Giovanni and Paulino Scarfo in Argentina, the anarchists known as the Galeanists in the USA, French Anarchists such as Ravachol or Emile Henry, or Italian-Americans like Gabrielle Segata Antolili.

At the moment this is the case with the compañer@s of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from Greece who have used Antigiuridismo Anarchico as an attitude of rupture with the judicial system as well as with the society of the masses, refusing to declare and as such collaborate with the police investigations. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire has put out communiqués referring to their situation, but as a form of communication with the compañer@s in solidarity, rather than as an explanation or justification before the State.

We can see that Antigiuridismo Anarchico is a decision taken individually (or collectively as is the case of the CCF) that works as part of two sides. For one part there’s the individual conviction to refuse to take part in any dialogues or compromise with the State/Capital or the line of politics, ensuring that each individual, group or cell maintains itself in contrast to the current reality. The other part can be owed to a consistent movement and a strong capacity to stand with prisoners and not leave them alone and one that is capable of physically interrupting the development of repression, for example we could cite the first trail against those of the Brigate Rosse in Italy, in which the same organisation brought judges, lawyers, prosecutors etc, to justice.

Furthermore, without putting forward any judgement whatsoever, there are other compañer@s who, as a contrast to this position of complete rupture, decide to analyse their possibilities and take advantage of legal avenues as a “strategy” to get out of prison and continue the war on the outside, always questioning power and its laws and taking these same laws or resources as weapons that can be used to avoid prison based on what’s possible within the judicial system, taking into account that this only works as a strategy and not as a dialogue with power. Many compañer@s who have taken use of legal resources as a strategy have demonstrated that once back on the street, they continue the war and maintain themselves in conflict. Unfortunately, there are some “compañer@s” who justify the State medium of ‘social rehabilitation’, to attempt to contradict our compañer@s in war, affirming such things as “you haven’t learnt anything from your time in prison”.

Whichever way you look at it, the two attitudes are equally valuable, however during this article we have attempted to lay out the concept defining the particular standpoint of Antigiuridismo Anarchico. There are a few philosophical law studies about Antigiuridismo Anarchico by Max Stirner, but generally they are academic texts which refer to a more nihilist and existentialist Stirner.

Luigi Galleani was an Italian anarchist who lived in the USA and edited the publication Cronaca Sovversiva which was edited for the first time on the 6th of June, 1903. One of Cronaca Sovversiva’s characteristics was the listing of addresses and locations of businessmen, “capitalist spies”, strike-breakers and all those considered enemies of the people. Luigi Galleani also edited a bomb-making manual called “Health is in you”, which was later translated into various different languages by various people supposedly including Emma Goldman. The Anarchist circle that revolved around the Cronaca Sovversiva were called “The Galeanists” and in their time carried out numerous bomb attacks against institutions of the State and Capital, such as the first car-bomb in history carried out by Mario Buda. They also sent a great number of packet bombs to personalities of the Church, State and Capital and expropriated the businesses of capitalists. Luigi also published various articles, the most well known called “Faccia a faccia col nemico” in 1914, which Severino Di Giovanni later would use in his publication “Culmine”, as well as in his way of life.

The newspaper Cronaca was published throughout 15 years until it was banned under the Sedition law. It’s worth nothing that the anarchists Sacco and Vazetti were close to the publication’s circle.

Gabriella Segata Antonilli
was an Italian anarchist who was arrested on the 17th of January 1918 at the age of 19 for transporting dynamite in a purse. When she was interrogated she gave a false name and refused to cooperate with the authorities or give them any information. She was sent to prison for 14 months. During her time in prison she got to know the notorious anarchist Emma Goldman with whom she formed a friendship. Gabrielle was from the Galeanist group from the Cronaca Sovversiva.

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is an anarchist nihilist urban guerilla group from Greece who have carried out direct actions ranging from arson attacks to powerful explosive attacks such as that carried out against the Athens Courthouse in solidarity with their imprisoned members. The CCF also sent a number of packet bombs to different ambassadors and world capitalist leaders including Silvio Berlusconi. Currently there are members of the CCF under trial.
The Brigate Rosse (Red Brigades) were a Marxist guerilla group from the 1970s who carried out various armed actions against those in power. Those years were called “the years of Lead” in Italy, a time in which many anarchists also carried out direct action, and some formed the anarchist action group Azione Rivoluzionaria.

Max Stirner was an anarco-individualist theorist who was born in 1806 and died in 1856, his most popular work was “The Ego and its Own” which caused innumerable discussions within the anarchist movement, including the anarchists of action.


četvrtak, 1. prosinca 2011.

Predavanje: Demokracija kao totalitarizam

Gost iz Amerike će govoriti o demokraciji kao obliku totalitarizma, te će iznijeti analizu demokracije kao tvorevinu elite, proizašlu iz očito autoritarnih oblika vladavine, a koja otvara mogućnost još veće kontrole nad onim u što ljudi vjeruju, kao i sve veću kontrolu s
vih dijelova života. Anarhistička tvrdnja da je svaka vlast autoritarna će biti objašnjena na način da ćemo pokazati kako je demokracija, općenito prihvaćena kao najbolji oblik vlasti, zapravo sredstvo dominacije i društvene kontrole.

Predavanje počinje točno u 18h - u četvrtak, 1.12.2011.

utorak, 22. studenoga 2011.

Predavanje/Koncert: Test Their Logik (Kanada) - subota 26.11

U goste nam dolaze Test Their Logik, anarhistički hip-hop dvojac iz Toronta.
TTL sačinjavaju Testament i Illogik, skupa imaju preko deset godina staža u pucanju lirične municije direktno u lice autoritetu i opresiji, odnosno korištenja rima kao podloge za oslobođenje od utjecaja kapitalizma i države. U zajednički glazbeni pothvat su krenuli 2009. godine. Njihov trud i posvećenost dovela je do prvog albuma, čiji je izlazak uvelike usporilo njihovo uhićenje za vrijeme G20 prosvjeda u Torontu. Naime, našli su se pod optužbama kanadske vlade koja je njihov spot „Crash The Meeting“ okrivila kao inicijatora masivnih prosvjeda koji su devastirali Toronto u lipnju 2010. godine. Njihovo uhićenje je bilo samo dio represivnog vala države koji je zahvatio gotovo 1000 ljudi.. Nakon što se uspostavilo da su njihove optužbe neosnovane i apsurdne, Test Their Logik su izbacili svoj prvi album „A“ i nastavili s radom, dokazujući kako represivne mjere ne mogu zaustaviti otpor prema autoritetu države, crkve i kapitalizma.

Kako i sami kažu, cilj im je promijeniti hip hop, vratiti mu život, te spriječiti trend veličanja nasilja i seksizma koji glazbena industrija kreira i promovira za svoj profit. Revolucija neće potpisati sa izdavačkom kućom..

Koncert će se održati u cafe baru Jazzva na poluotoku.
Prije koncerta, Illogik i Testament će održati predavanje/diskusiju pod nazivom „G20 Summit u Torontu – Mobilizacija, Akcija i Represija“. Predavanje će se održati u 17h, u prostoru knjižnog kluba „Knjigozemska“ koji se nalazi u ulici Rikarda Katalinića Jeretova 5.

Predavanje je besplatno, a upad na koncert je dobrovoljna donacija (kako bi im pomogli da si pokriju putne troškove). Vidimo se!

četvrtak, 10. studenoga 2011.

Dokumentarni: "Zemlja Znanja"

Infoshop Iskra prikazuje dokumentarni film "Zemlja znanja" koji tematizira studentski prosvjed (blokadu fakulteta) na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Autori filma na edukativan i zanimljiv način prikazuju tijek blokade i daju dublju uvid u plenumske rasprave i samim time u funkcioniranje direktne demokracije u praksi. Film preporučamo svim građanima jer je princip direktne demokracije moguće provesti i na drugim druątvenim razinama osim sveučiliąta.

Detaljnije informacije o dokumentarcu:

ZEMLJA ZNANJA dokumentarni film
trajanje: 64 minute

Studenti Filozofskog fakultetu u Zagrebu 20. travnja 2009. godine preuzimaju kontrolu nad fakultetom. Od Vlade Republike Hrvatske zahtijevaju ukidanje svih oblika plaćanja visokog obrazovanja. Tijekom blokade fakulteta studenti sve odluke donose metodom direktne demokracije. Tako Plenum, tijelo sastavljeno od viąe stotina studenata, postaje glavni lik filma. Paralelno pratimo i drugu, medijsku stvarnost u kojoj ”ľive” osobe od političke vaľnosti i odlučuju o naąoj danaąnjici i budućnosti. Film ZEMLJA ZNANJA dokumentira 35 dana blokade fakulteta, tijekom kojih Vlada ignorira studente.

Autori filma: Saša Ban, Dana Budisavljević, Hrvoje Franjić, Nevenka Sablić, Vanja Siruček
glazba: Aleksandar Antić i Luka Barbić
dizajn: Tina Ivezić
obrada tona: Robert Stanić
producent Redakcije dokumentarnog programa: Miroslav Rezić
urednik Redakcije dokumentarnog programa: Ninoslav Lovčević

Ponedjeljak, 14.11.2011 u 19h, Knjigozemska.

nedjelja, 3. srpnja 2011.

Dokumentarni: "Bastards of Utopia" (2010)

„Bastards of Utopia“ je film koji prati troje aktivista u pokušaju da portretski prikaže njihove živote i svakodnevne aktivnosti.

Tvorci filma, Maple Razsa i Pacho Velez, zaputili su se u Zagreb kako bi snimili film u sklopu terenskog istraživanja jedne hrvatske anarhističke skupine – „Bastards of Utopia“ primjenjuje jedinstvenu kombinaciju promatranja, izravnog sudjelovanja i kritičkog promišljanja o ovom često pogrešno shvaćenom političkom pokretu.

Utorak 7.5 u 21h, u Knjigozemskoj!

54 minute, Maple Razsa i Pacho Velez , SAD, 2010.

S ovom projekcijom ujedno završavamo naš triptih filmova s riječi "utopija" u imenu :).

ponedjeljak, 27. lipnja 2011.

Dokumentarni: Vivir la Utopia (1997.)

Španjolski građanski rat, odnosno socijalna revolucija koja se dogodila 1936. godine u Španjoskoj predstavlja jedan od najvećih primjera anarhizma u praksi, a istovremeno je i jedna od tragičnijih epizoda u povijesti anarhizma zbog sloma i uništenja utopije koja je tada živjela.
Film Vivir la utopia govori o socijalnoj revoluciji koja je ostvarila utopijske ideje i pretvorila ih u stvarnost, a važno je za reći da film obiluje arhivskim snimkama iz tog razdoblja, te razgovorima s ljudima koji su sudjelovali u tim događajima.
Osim same revolucije, film obrađuje razdoblje od sedamdesetak godina koje su prethodile tome kako bi objasnio kontekst u kojem se sve događa, ali i izgradnju i širenje pokreta, bez čega ne bi bio moguć otpor generalu Francu, ali niti staljinističkim jedinicama koje su na kraju slomile revoluciju.
Utorak, 28.6.2011 u 21h, Knjigozemska
 Vivir la Utopia, Španjolska, 1997. 
 Režija: Juan Gamero, 94 minute

utorak, 21. lipnja 2011.

Dokumentarni: "Paths Through Utopias" (2011)

“Paths Through Utopias” nas vodi kroz šestomjesečno putovanje Evropom u potrazi za načinima življenja bez obzira na kapitalizam. Iz putovanja će nastati blog, knjiga, utopijski putni film (više fikcija nego dokumentarni) i niz radionica i performansa. “Paths Through Utopias” su tragovi realističnih sanjara, lucidnih idealista čija se vizija boljeg svijeta ne projecira u nedostižnoj budućnosti več se stvara svaki dan, ovdje i sad. Ove staze nisu autoceste, uništavanje šuma da bi se došlo do zacrtanog cilja što je krače i brže moguče... več tragovi koji prate obrise dolina, traganje za rijekama i željama onih koji su ih sagradili.

Jasno se vidi da protagonisti putovanja nisu u potrazi za eskapističkom Nigdjezemskoj, nacrtima za savršenu budućnost ili univerzalnim sistemima, več za zajednicama koje se jednostavno usude živjeti drugačije, unatoč katastrofalnom kapitalizmu.


Utorak, 21.6.2011 u Knjigozemskoj.

Les Sentiers de l'Utopie / Paths Through Utopias (2011)
John Jordan, Isabelle Fremeaux, France, 2011, 109 min.

četvrtak, 9. lipnja 2011.

Dokumentarni: "The Chicago Conspiracy" (2009.), 14.6 u 21h

Ovaj dokumentarac govori o naslijeđu vojne diktature u Čileu pričajući priču o borbenoj ("combatant") omladini koju je pobio Pinochetov režim, kao i o pozadini današnje kapitalističke diktature i trenutnom društvenom sukobu u Čileu. Film je konceptualno podijeljen u tri djela koji istražuju studentski pokret, povijest kvartova koji su postali centri oružane borbe protiv diktature i o domorodačkom narodu Mapuche koji se i dan danas bori protiv kolonizatora. 

Tvorci, Subversive Action Films kažu "Ovaj dokumentarac započinje sa smrću jednog diktatora, ali nastavlja sa naslijeđem diktature."

Utorak 14.6.2011 u 21h u ACME*!

*promjena lokacije! umjesto u Knjigozemskoj, film ćemo prikazati u internet klubu ACME, na poluotoku.